Project Team
The Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems Project Team was formed in June 2008 to define the term healthy aquatic ecosystems and explore potential opportunities to advance the Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems goal of the Water for Life strategy. The identification of these opportunities is intended to provide a foundation and direction for future work toward this goal. The team’s work was completed in March 2009 and was guided by their Terms of Reference. The report Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems - A Working Definition provides a consensus working definition of the term and provides context for its intended use. Recommended Projects to Advance the Goal of Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems recommends several new areas of work to focus future efforts under this goal and advance its implementation.
Terms of Reference pdf, 32 KB
Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems - A Working Definition pdf, 498 KB
Recommended Projects to Advance the Goal of Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems pdf, 558 KB